Monday, December 19, 2011

The Voice New Testament: Revised & Updated

The Voice™ Bible translation was a gift to attendees at the Catalyst Atlanta Conference in October, 2011. I was not an attendee, but a volunteer and somehow missed getting a copy of this book. It was quite the topic of conversation and I made plans to get this book after I returned home.

I was absolutely surprised and pleased when I found out it was available for book review through What a blessing!

I must say, I cannot put this book down. The stories absolutely come alive. Even though I have studied the bible and listened to many sermons at church, I found myself learning more about God's word through this book. It has a very personal touch and an easy flow.

I recommend this book to both bible scholars and ordinary, God-loving people... like me!

Monday, December 12, 2011

The Encounter by Stephen Arterburn

This book would make a great movie!

The characters and story line in this book are lively and interesting and I kept finding myself visualizing the story as a movie. It seems there are never enough Christian movies to watch these days and it would be refreshing to watch a new one. Especially this one!

The main character, Jonathan, is on a quest to find his birth mother and finds himself along the way. Totally arrogant and self centered, he has a tendency to use his power to get his way. This does not turn out to be the "norm" in Fairbanks, Alaska when dealing with the locals. He quickly learns different ways to get to the truth and eventually changes his heart and his mind about those who truly matter. A great story of forgiveness.

I found this book to be a quick read and finished it in about two hours. Not so much a surprise ending, but nonetheless, a great feel-good conclusion. I would recommend this book.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Start Something That Matters - Giveaway!

Giveaway Alert!

Follow my blog and you could win Blake Mycoskie's new book "Start Something That Matters". Deadline is December 25th. All you have to do is become a follower of my blog and post a comment below.

This is a great read and I find Blake's business model so inspiring. Not only does he work his business with a generous heart, he is willing to work through his mistakes and learn from them. Entrepreneurs who want to "Start Something That Matters" would benefit from reading Blake's story. I especially like how he generously treats his employees with love and respect. Many of his original interns are still with him today. Great testimony to the way others should be treated in life and in business.

Follow me and comment below!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

A Year with Jesus

Book Review

I am almost done with my 100 day devotional so I am excited to get started with this new book "A Year with Jesus". It is 365 days and I can't wait to see how my life will evolve and change over the next year as I walk with Jesus and read His words daily.

Just looking at the cover, I can get a sense of peace from these words, "Make His Peace Your Peace". Just flipping through the book and reading random pages, I can see that this book is not only spiritual, but practical at the same time. There are some quotes from famous people other than Jesus who share their own struggles and accomplishments.

I cannot wait to connect more deeply with Christ Jesus through His words.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

A Year with Jesus

Too many times the impact and grandness of the actual words Jesus spoke, as recorded in the Bible, are lost in the telling of the story. In A Year with Jesus, the primary focus is to allow the scriptures that contain Jesus' dialogue to uniquely speak to the reader. The author follows each reading with insights and applications to help explain the context and nuances of the text. The unique titling of each meditation and the nontraditional themes and organization help bring Jesus to our daily lives.

I just ordered this book and can't wait to use it! I have been changed these past few months by daily devotionals and writing and I don't want to stop feeling this way. I want to know more, and grow more through Jesus.

Lord, lead!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Going Deep by Gordon Macdonald

Dr. Gordon Macdonald, pastor and author, asks the question "what is a deep person"? Although the church is full of well-meaning people, are they truly able to make changes and create positive influence?

Dr. Macdonald challenges everyone to "go deep" in their faith and create a paradigm shift. Much like Francis Chan in "Crazy Love", there is an awakening in the idea that we are sometimes sleeping through our lives and just going through the motions. We need to shake it up and be alive with the Holy Spirit inside us.

Go crazy in love with your faith to truly make a life changing transformation for your community, home, and church.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

iPad test

It links like Blogger has updated their interface so I can use their tools on my iPad!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Book Review: Close Enough to Hear God Breathe

Close Enough to Hear God Breathe, by Greg Paul

The Great Story of Divine Intimacy. Greg Paul shows readers that God has a powerful message for us all regardless of where we are in our life. God thinks of us as His children through all our blunders, faults and mistakes. He gently guides us and loves us regardless of what we've done. God's Grace is alive and freely given.

This book is filled with biblical stories weaved into the present. A delight for most who enjoy this type of writing style. A blessing for all.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Start Something That Matters

I was honored to serve at the Catalyst Conference last week as a volunteer and met so many amazing people. The God Stories I took away are numerous and I have been in constant prayer ever since.

So many people that attended and spoke are so obedient and follow God's word with no fear or hesitation. They were an inspiration to me.

Blake Mycoskie, the founder of Tom's Shoes, wrote a book called "Start Something That Matters" and talked about his story at the conference.

My question is: What does God have planned for me? What does God plan for you?

I am hoping that Tom's Shoes will pick me as a candidate for Books for Bloggers. I would be honored to spread Blake's message!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Book Review: J.R.R. Tolkien

J.R.R. Tolkien

By Mark Horne

I chose this book because I enjoy reading biographies of famous people and find it fascinating to read about what life was like years ago. It is somewhat like stepping through a time capsule and coming out on the other side to an entirely different world.

This book was a quick read and I especially found Tolkien’s childhood very interesting. His mother was a very strong woman. I don’t think other single mothers in that day were quite as creative when it came to providing for the family. She sacrificed it all for her children and made sure they received what they needed.

For those who have read Tolkien’s books or watched the movies made after his books, I highly recommend that they read this biography. It will give some insight on his character and imagination.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Book Review: Your 100 Day Prayer

Lord, teach us to pray. — Luke 11:1

I was so excited to receive this book as a paperback so I could journal and write in it every day. What a blessing this book is!

What's inside: Before you even start the book, there is a place to record your start date and prayer request along with a prayer to begin your 100 day journey. Every day has a bible verse, short story, prayer and a place to list your progress. It only takes a few minutes a day but makes all the difference in the world.

This book could not have come to me at a better time. I am in a transitional stage both with my career and my physical state. I will spend the next 100 days praying over my goals and wishes.

I am excited about this book and will use it as a tool to catapult my new life.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Inspiration is where you find it.

Great new video! Thank you, Sei Ohmori for letting me post this. Working on #26 right now...

29 Ways to Stay Creative

Get out of your hole

Stop being complacent on old ideas, old ways of doing business. Get out of the hole and climb a mountain.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Stumbling into Grace Book Review

Booksneeze Book Review for “Stumbling into Grace, Confessions of a Sometimes Spiritually Clumsy Woman” by Lisa Harper.

I could not resist the cover of this wonderful book about how we can still have grace even though we stumble and make mistakes. The design of the outside of the book fits perfectlywith the content. Both are equally charming.

Written like a diary, Lisa mixes her own humorous stories with bible scripture. I was especially drawn to her first story of a retreat she attended. During a small group study, she was able to connect in a miraculous way to a woman who had been clearly hurt throughout most of her life. This woman felt clumsy and ungraceful, but with the help of God, she was made to feel whole again and full of grace.

I highly recommend this book, it’s a great read of hope and love. Thank you, Lisa, for sharing your stories.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Stumbling into Grace

I am a sucker for a cute cover, but I could not resist the title of this book, either! I just ordered it from and can't wait to read it!

Stay tuned!

Rumors of God

Book review for

Rumors of God, Experience the kind of faith you’ve only heard about, by Darrne Whitehead and Jon Tyson.

I loved reading all the “God Stories” on how many people who simply walk in faith are surrounded by blessings and get a definite sense of what their calling is. I only wish it were this easy for most people who walk along life and constantly miss the way God shows up their lives.

As written in the epilogue of this book “May we be among those who believe that the greatest days of the church are still to come.” Simply follow the Lord and ask for His blessings. Don’t forget to keep your eyes open when the blessings do come.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

New book review coming....

I just ordered this book from Can't wait!

It's not about me....

It's Not About Me Rescue From the Life We Thought Would Make Us Happy
By Max Lucado. I received this book from to review a few short weeks ago. It's a short, easy read that flows easily with scripture reference, songs of praise and prayer.

"To seek God's glory is to pray" is a reminder that we just need to stop, look and listen for God's grace and gifts. By praying we are not only talking to God, but we are praising Him at the same time. Promote God, declare his preeminence.

One of the best parts about the book is the study guide in the back. This book can easily be used for small group bible study and discussion.

This book is a treasure.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Back Home!

We are back home again after being gone for 7 days. This beautiful family will now live in a safe, comfortable home built with love by our church team.

It's hard to get back into the swing of things after being unplugged from the internet for a week!

As I get back into work this week, t will be hard not to think of this wonderful family and the impact they have made on us.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Final Summit

Below is my book review for The Final Summit A Quest to Find the One Principle That Will Save Humanity, By Andy Andrews and Published by Thomas Nelson.

This is the continuing story of David Ponder from Andy Andrews book, The Traveler’s Gift. David Ponder returns in his quest to find answers to mankind’s problems of greed, pride and hate. Seeing the end of humanity as it heads for disaster, David is once again called to meet with the other amazing travelers in history.

I was instantly hooked into Ponder’s story and the stories of others he met with. Filled with great narrative about past leaders who made history, it truly is a great read.

Like the description says, this book shows us what we must do when we don’t know what to do.

I give it five stars!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Location, Location, Location

Our family has a favorite restaurant that's located on a very busy corner in our town. When we drive by, we can see the patrons through the large windows. It looks busy and popular most of the time.

The owner of this company picked a great location for their restaurant. But, they took it a step further....

The hostess always fills the tables by the window first. Genius.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Are You Showing Up?

A great family friend of ours was in an airport and saw a colleague of his who is also in sales. He asked the colleague a simple question: "What is the most important thing I can do when making a sales call?"

The answer: "Show up."

Yes, it's that simple.

Now.... GO!

Friday, June 3, 2011

What are you doing this weekend?

Whatever it is, make it remarkable!

Learn something new, reach out to someone to help them, step out of your comfort zone and be indispensable.

See you Monday... be ready, refreshed and ready to step out of the box.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Learning again and loving it!

If you're not learning, you're getting left behind.

When I was a young adult, I desperately wanted to work in newspaper advertising design. Maybe it was in my blood because my dad was a pressman. Maybe.

I spent many years at print shops as a teenager getting paid one dollar an hour collating papers amongst the smell of ink and rolls of paper. I would sneak upstairs to the art department and be in awe of the compugraphic equipment, xacto knives, and sticky wax machine.

I only knew that I wanted to be a graphics designer and work in art. I wasn't sure how to get there, there weren't any schools for that field at the time, but I wanted to design.

I applied for a graphic design position at the local newspaper, but there were no openings with the exception of one in the circulation department so I took it. After a grueling year of answering phones and organizing paperwork, there was an opening in the graphic design department and I thankfully took it.

It was definitely a learning experience since I had no idea what to do with no training but I learned along the way and loved every step. The first two years I was at this job I was awarded an honorable mention in advertising design. I had found my "Element" as Sir Ken Robinson would say.

Little did I know then that the graphic design industry would change, and change, and then change again. I am constantly on the move to learn the next new kind of technology or way of doing business. These are exciting times and I can't wait for the next step.

In the meantime, I'll keep up with what's new instead of being left behind. Instead of an xacto knife, I'll be using my iPad2.

Bring it on!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Max on Life.... book review

“Max on Life” by Max Lucado was offered for me to review through This book was an easy read and it was a good book to have around when I only had a short time to read. Hope and love resonate throughout this book and it’s clear that Max is truly a gifted spiritual writer.

I loved the letter from a young child, Sam, to Max. Sam is terribly sorry about pulling the fire alarm after one of Max’s church services. The open honesty and pureness of an innocent child rings (no pun intended) loudly and clearly. I can only imagine how hard it was for that small child to sit down, write that note and send it. It is much like how we feel about God. We are sorry for our actions, but it takes a lot of courage to ask for forgiveness. God will always forgive and many times it is hard to remember that. We get caught up in our own fears and disappointments and forget we have a truly loving God who cares deeply about us. He’s crazy about us!

Max reminds us that no matter what your age, you will always have questions, ask for forgiveness and receive grace.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

In Constant Prayer Book Review

I chose In Constant Prayer, written by Robert Benson, to review for BookSneeze.

Initially, just looking at the cover of the book, I was excited to read this book. Any time I can read something to help me keep my promise to talk to and pray to God every day, I welcome it with open arms.

Robert Benson, the author, presents a structure where people can live in the reality that God is with us always. Too many people live their lives oblivious to the blessings around them. It is important to remember and see the blessings and wonder and joy that God provides on a daily, if not hourly, basis.

I am hopeful that others will find this book will create a deeper realization and fellowship with our Heavenly Father.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Book Review!

Book review for The Power Based Life, Realizing your life's goals and dreams by strengthening your body, mind and spirit, by Mike Flynt.

After reading this book, I feel like Mr. Flynt was speaking to me personally! I am at a crossroads both professionally and personally and have been looking for spiritual guidance along the way.

Realizing strengths and finding the career that's right for you is a great way to find your path. I am taking this book to heart and will be reading it again with post it notes and highlighters.

Sorry, friends. I usually pass on great books to you, but this one is staying with me. Get your own!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Grace of God by Andy Stanley

Part of my 2011 New Year's resolution is to surround myself with inspiring and interesting people, read 3 non-fiction books a month and of course, lose weight!

So, you can imagine my excitement when I received this book for review from Booksneeze. I have been introduced to Andy Stanley through Dave Ramsey. Dave talks about Mr. Stanley's teachings and books on his radio show, "The Dave Ramsey Show". He has also had him as a guest speaker, which is rare for Dave.

Andy Stanley starts out saying that "God's promise of blessing was not anchored by the behavior of the recipient, but by the grace of the One who had made the promise." Like my community group leader keeps telling us, "You already have it". You don't have to ask for it, you don't have to want it.... you already have it."

With grace, comes faith. Such a strong statement in such a uncertain world. Believe.

I give this book 5 stars and will be passing it on to one our our church's small group leaders to share with her middle schoolers. Great read.