This book is a must read for anyone interested in learning how to buy a house intelligently and pay it off early. There is detailed information on how to shop for a mortgage, how much money to put down and what the monthly mortgage payment should be in relation to household income. Even for those who already have a mortgage, the author explains how to manage any mortgage either by refinancing or paying it off early. Staying away from gimmicks is the key as well as reading the fine print and negotiating a better deal.
As an added bonus, the author explains why being debt free is the key to being wealthy. Much like Dave Ramsey in his Total Money Makeover book, Mr. Bernabé is also a believer of debt freedom. The author states, "Consumer debt has nothing to do with what you've purchased; it represents a current and future claim on your money." This is a foreign concept in our credit card using society but it is incredibly true. Financial freedom is powerful and attainable.